Death in a home is a devastating occurrence that cripples many people emotionally. At these times, funeral directors play an important role of service in ensuring the family handles the funeral properly. Funeral directors console family members, arrange funerals, and prepare the deceased body properly for the family. Beyond these services, funeral directors offer further assistance to the families in certain procedural and regulatory matters that accompany death. In these times of bereavement, you will definitely need the guidance of a caring and professional funeral director to handle some of the following matters:
Registration of death
All deaths, whether at home, hospital, or any other location, have to be registered by some legal authority in your jurisdiction. The medical death certificate is the first step to registering death, and will be required for a death certificate to be issued. Funeral directors assist families in attaining the medical death certificate from nearby hospitals and doctors. This certificate briefly highlights the cause of death as observed by a professional doctor. For death that occurs in a hospital, you can be easily given the certificate on site. For those that occurr elsewhere, the funeral director can help you get the body examined by a doctor who will then issue the certificate. With the medical death certificate, the next step is registering for a government acknowledged death certificate. Many jurisdictions have varying rules on the procedures of acquiring this certificate. Once again, funeral directors play an important role of navigating these procedures and ensuring that the family gets the certificate without much hustle.
Moving the deceased
Arrangements of moving the deceased are made easier with the help of funeral directors. If the death occurred at home, the funeral directors organize for it to be moved to a mortuary for preservation and other preparation procedures. Some hospitals immediately move the deceased to their morgues before the families arrange for the body to be moved to their desired location. During the entire period after acquiring a funeral director, all movements of the deceased, including the day of the funeral, will be organized by funeral directors. With the help of a funeral doctor, you can also opt to have the body temporarily prepared and preserved at home. This should only be done with the help of the director and for a short period.
Funeral costs
Finally, funeral directors play the crucial role of governing expenditure during a funeral. With the right partner, a funeral needs not be an expensive ordeal. Many funeral directors offer funeral plans that you can take up during your lifetime, and ensure nobody mourns your loss in conjunction with the financial nightmare it brought about.
For more information, talk to a professional like Chapel of the Holy Family.
Funerals can bring forth such a range of emotions: melancholy, grief, regret, relief and nostalgia. As an assistant at a funeral parlour, I am privileged to help people with organising their loved one’s final journey. I have learnt that a good funeral parlour can make the occasion truly commemorative. When I attend funerals for friends, I am saddened to see that so many ceremonies are traditional and joyless. I later find out that the family members simply weren’t aware of options such as a graveside memorial service. I love the fact that one of my tasks involves showing family members various venues and demonstrating what can be done. In this humble little blog, I hope to make it my mission to share some of the ideas – big and small – from the best funerals I have seen. Perhaps it will give you some inspiration at a difficult time. Bless.